Dr. Julie offers both individual and group workshops that are engaging and solutions focused. These customizable, interactive sessions are research based and best practices designed. Parents and professionals engage in active learning to gain new perspectives and strategies. The result is tools to positively impact student learning, wellness and success.
Lighten the Load on your Brain!
We are all bombarded with multiple messages, images and inputs all day long! Our mind has to decide what to attend to and process and is often too full to function effectively and efficiently. Learn strategies to help manage the load on the brain’s working memory leading to happier, more successful students and learners. In this workshop Dr. Julie:
Explains our information processing system – how the brain receives and stores inputs, and how to increase efficiency.
Provides strategies to manage and prevent brain overload.
Teaches how to manage motivational factors that impact learning and success.
Help the Brain Succeed at Reading
Reading isn’t going to be everyone’s joy, but it doesn’t have to be dreaded either! Just because a child isn’t reading at grade level doesn’t mean they’re not capable or making progress. In this workshop Dr. Julie teaches you how to:
Encourage success in struggling or resistant readers.
Support development at every stage as the student works toward automated, fluent reading.
Select reading material for students of all stages and ages.
Increase motivation and mental effort toward reading for those who don’t pick it up naturally.
Rethink and Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Research indicates that stress itself isn’t necessarily harmful unless we think it is. In this workshop Dr. Julie helps you:
Identify simple changes that can result in major improvements.
Use success and failure to improve performance.
Model proactive responses to challenging situations to build resilience in your children.
Learn techniques to help your family decrease stress on a daily basis.
Successful Time and Life Management: Let Systems and Routines Do the Work for You
Do you feel like your kids don't pay attention to their everyday duties no matter how often they are reminded? That no one listens to you at home because they constantly don’t do what you ask? Life can be different if we have systems that give us the support we need. In this workshop, Dr. Julie shows you how:
Family members can complete tasks without constant reminding.
To prepare in advance to create less stress at home.
Create space in your mind and life for the things that really require your attention.
To be proactive, not reactive in planning and daily life.
To limit personal electronics for a happier household.
Academic Self-Management/Homework Success Plan
This workshop sets your child up for success now and for the rest of their life as Dr. Julie helps you:
Release more responsibility for your children’s learning over to them, making your life easier.
Identify key areas that impact their success and performance as learners and make needed changes.
Identify specific tasks your child can do now to strengthen skills they will need to succeed throughout life.
Pinpoint areas to make immediate impacts including time management, study strategies and motivation techniques.
Put the Brakes on the Pressure
Are most of your family members’ lives filled with many to-do’s, places to be and external obligations? Be proactive and create more opportunities for the activities you want to do rather than just the ones you feel you have to do. This workshop is designed to help you minimize external pressures on your children and yourself by:
Identifying small changes that will make big, everyday impacts.
Creating true downtime leading to positive impacts for your entire family.
Setting boundaries and limits to improve productivity.
Connecting values with our goals and daily tasks.
Understanding how societal differences between our own childhoods now impact demands on our children.
What Every Kinder and Transitionary-Year Parent Should Know
Our perceptions and reactions as parents frame how our children deal and develop within this new social system. Help create successful transitions and growth opportunities by learning how to:
Align your outlook to best support your student during this time filled with many firsts and adjustments.
Support teachers and administrators to give your child a positive entry into elementary, middle, high school or college.
Support your child while allowing space they need to gain the independence needed to succeed moving forward.
Create an experience that builds resiliency, benefiting your child for life.
I love connecting with parents who are ready to take action and invest in becoming a high performing family....and the organizations supporting them.
If you serve families ready to learn how they hold the keys to the ultimate solution for their family...even if they are the only one doing the work, let's chat!
Complete the form to schedule a complimentary 15-minute call. I look forward to connecting to determine next steps for your organization.